1.2.1 Initial Contact and Referrals
This chapter should be read in conjunction with:
Protocol on Sharing Information in Order to Safeguard and Promote the Welfare of Children
Safeguarding Referrals Procedure
Information Sharing: Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners (DfE)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE)
This chapter was updated in June 2024 with new guidance from Working Together to Safeguard Children - GOV.UK in relation to making a referral and the role of the Lead Practitioner.
1. Initial Contacts
An Initial Contact is made where Children's Services is contacted about a child, who may be a Child in Need, and where there is a request for general advice, information or a service.
All contacts need to be considered alongside the Threshold Document and Early Help Criteria and a decision made within 24 hours regarding the level of response required.
At any time, an in Initial Contact may become a Referral if it appears that services may be required for a Child in Need.
All contacts regarding children who have not got an open case file must go through the Customer Service Centre. Area teams are permitted to take contacts, but this is discouraged and in the event of a contact being taken by the Area team, the person taking the contact must take responsibility for recording it as outlined in this chapter.
Customer Service Advisors must check that the child is known on MOSAIC.
Wherever contact is made to the Customer Service Centre regarding children who have an allocated worker, the caller will be connected with the social worker. However, if this is not possible, the Customer Service Advisor will connect the call with the Duty Social Worker for that locality team. Customer Service Advisers will not take information on open cases or update the child's file with information.
In all other cases, at the point when an Initial Contact is made, the Customer Service Advisor will briefly establish the nature of any concerns and whether the call is requesting a consultation with an Early Help Advisor or whether they want to make a safeguarding referral to Children's Services.
The Early Help Advisor will support practitioners in their decision making. They will not take on cases themselves or facilitate safeguarding referrals into Children's Services. The Practitioner will directed back to Customer Service Centre to make a safeguarding referral. If an Early Help Consultation is required, the Customer Service Adviser will record whether permission has been given for the discussion by the parent/carers. Professionals will be asked to provide their name, job role and contact details and the name of the child if permission has been obtained. If Permission has not been obtained from parents/carers will parental responsibility to share personal details, the Early Help Advisers will only be able to provide practitioners with a hypothetical consultation and this could impact on the quality of the advice being given. If permission has been given the Customer Service Adviser will record a brief summary of the concerns on a contact and the Early Help Adviser will be sent a 'Contact Action for Consultation' and a decision will be made about the outcome of the contact, which could be:
- Advise completion of EHA for Early Help Services and/or TAC;
- Contact Customer Services to make a safeguarding referral.
If permission has not been given, the Customer Service Adviser will record a brief summary of the concerns on the hypothetical consultation record form and the Early Help Adviser will be sent an email with the form attached and a decision will be made about the outcome of the email, which could be:
- Gain permission;
- Advise completion of EHA for Early Help Services and/or TAC;
- Contact Customer Services to make a safeguarding referral.
If a safeguarding referral has been requested, then the Screening Manager is sent the information as a 'Content Action for Screening' and a decision will be made about the outcome of the contact which can be:
- Provide information or redirect to another service;
- Progress to a Referral. See Section 2, Referrals;
- The caller to complete an Early Help Assessment (EHA) if they are a Professional Referrer. In the event that a professional referrer is making a contact in the form of an EHA, they will be advised that they need to obtain the family's permission unless there is reason to believe that the child is likely to suffer Significant Harm and that their welfare will be prejudiced if permission is sought.
The outcome decision of both the consultations and safeguarding referral must be made within one working day of making the referral.
In circumstances where there are concerns that a child is likely to suffer Significant Harm the process can proceed to a referral immediately and the Customer Service Advisor will contact the Area Team by telephone.
When a contact is to proceed to a referral the Customer Service Centre Advisor must record this as soon as possible but always within one working day. They must have the outcome: 'referral screened and awaiting assessment' and a workflow notification sent to the Team Manager of the local team of the address of the child/young person.
All referrals, decisions and outcomes will be assessed and monitored on the basis of meeting ethnicity, language, religious, cultural and diversity needs.
Professionals who phone the Local Authority with concerns about a child's welfare or request for services as a child in need should confirm their assessment and request in writing within 24 hours, using the safeguarding referral form.
At any time, an Initial Contact may become a Referral if it appears that services may be required for a Child in Need.
Any significant information received about a child who is an open case should be regarded as an Initial Contact, passed to the child's allocated social worker and recorded on the MOSAIC database.
2. Referrals
An Initial Contact will be progressed to a Referral where the Screening Manager considers an assessment and/or services may be required for a Child in Need.
When there is a request from another lead professional on behalf of the family for a Child and Family Assessment when the TAC is active:
Once the Referral has been accepted by local authority Children's Services, a social work qualified Practice Supervisor or manager should decide, with partners where appropriate, who the most appropriate Lead Practitioner will be. The Lead Practitioner role can be held by a range of people, including social workers. When allocating the Lead Practitioner, consideration should be taken to ensure that they have the time required to meet the needs of the child and their family. The Lead Practitioner should have the skills, knowledge, competence, and experience to work effectively with the child and their family.
The Lead Practitioner should always be a social worker for child protection enquiries.
The Lead Practitioner should clarify with the referrer, when known, the nature of the concerns and how and why they have arisen.
The Lead Practitioner will arrange to visit or contact the referrer and obtain as much of the following information as possible:
- Full names, dates of birth and gender of children;
- Family address and, where relevant, school/nursery attended;
- Identity of those with Parental Responsibility;
- Names and dates of birth of all members of the household;
- Ethnicity, first language and religion of children and parents;
- Nationality and immigration status;
- Any additional needs of the children including the means in which they communicate;
- Any significant recent or past events;
- Cause for concern including details of allegations, their sources, timing and location;
- The child's current location and emotional and physical condition;
- Whether the child needs immediate protection;
- Details of any alleged perpetrator;
- Referrer's relationship with and knowledge of the child and their family;
- Known involvement of other agencies;
- Information regarding parents' knowledge of the referral.
3. Timescales
Any member of staff who receives information relating to a child, who may be a Child in Need, must redirect the information to the Customer Service Centre, or (if it is known that it is an open referral) the Area Team or allocated social worker. The information must be redirected immediately and within one hour at the very longest.
Once received, all Referrals must be written up and a decision made about their disposal within 1 working day of the initial contact. (Note: This should be as soon as possible where it is evident the child is seen as requiring immediate protection/urgent action).
The process of creating a contact through to the authorisation of the Referral is one working day from the date/time of the recorded on the contact.
Children's Services should acknowledge a written referral within one working day of receiving it.
4. Screening Process
The following process applies both to children who are already known to the authority and those who were not previously known.
The process of Referrals must include screening against the Threshold Document and/ or Early Help Criteria and must include internal MOSAIC database and agency checks to establish whether the family is previously known, and whether there is a Child Protection Plan in relation to the child and/or whether the child is a Child in Care.
(See also Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures, Section 47 Enquiries and Social Work Assessments).
The screening process should establish:
- The nature of the concern;
- How and why it has arisen;
- What the child's needs appear to be;
- Whether the concern involves the child suffering/being likely to suffer Significant Harm;
- Whether there is any need for urgent action to protect the child or any children in the household.
This process will involve:
- Consideration of any existing records, including whether the child is the subject of a Child Protection Plan/Child and Family Progress Plan; this includes going through any pervious assessments or support that may have been offered;
- The parent or carer should normally, as good practice, be informed that a Referral is being made unless to do so would place a child or vulnerable adult at increased risk of harm;
- The information shared should always be necessary, proportionate, relevant, accurate, timely and secure;
- Involving other agencies as appropriate and in accordance with Information Sharing: Advice for Safeguarding Practitioners (DfE) and Working Together to Safeguard Children (DfE);
- The Area Team will involve other agencies as necessary.
If there are indications that a child may be at risk of significant harm, the Screening Manager may authorise whatever actions are necessary to protect the child or others in the household from significant harm, which may result in the immediate provision of services. There should be consideration of a Strategy Discussion and of a multi-agency response.
If there is suspicion that a crime may have been committed including sexual or physical assault or neglect of the child, the police must be notified immediately.
Personal information about non-professional referrers should not be disclosed to the parents or other agencies without the referrer's consent.
As good practice, parents/carers should usually be informed before discussing a referral with other agencies unless this may place the child at risk of significant harm, in which case the Screening Manager should authorise the discussion of the referral with other agencies without parental knowledge. The authorisation should be recorded with reasons.
5. Initial Disposal of Referrals
The initial disposal of a Referral, which must be authorised by the Screening Manager, may be:
- That the child requires immediate protection and urgent action is required;
- That the child is in need and should be assessed under section 17 of the Children Act 1989;
- That there is reasonable cause to suspect that the child/children is/are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, and whether enquiries must be made, and the child/children assessed under section 47 of the Children Act 1989;
- That immediate services are required urgently by the child and family and what type of services;
- Further specialist assessments are required to help the local authority to decide what further action to take;
- To see the child as soon as possible if the decision is taken that the referral requires further assessment.
The child/children should be seen alone, if appropriate.
Professional referrers should be advised of the disposal of the Referral and where appropriate, feedback should be given to include the reasons why a case may not meet the threshold for Children's Services intervention and offer suggestions for other sources of more suitable support.
Feedback on the outcome of the Referral should also be provided to non-professional referrers in a manner consistent with respecting the confidentiality of the child.
The child and family must be informed of the action to be taken.
The Lead Practitioner should:
- Clarify with the referrer, when known, the nature of the concerns and how and why they have arisen;
- Make clear to children and families how the assessment will be carried out and when they can expect a decision on next steps;
- Inform the child and family of the action to be taken, unless a decision is taken on the basis that this may jeopardise a police investigation or place the child at risk of significant harm.
Where requested to do so by Children's Services, professionals from other parts of the local authority such as housing and those in health organisations have a duty to cooperate under section 27 of the Children Act 1989 by assisting the local authority in carrying out its children's social care functions.
See: Flowchart 1: Action Taken When a Child is Referred to Local Authority Children’s Services
6. Children in Specific Circumstances
Supporting Disabled Children and Their Carers
Where a referral is received requesting help and support for disabled children and their families, practitioners should recognise additional pressures on the family, and the distinct challenges they may have had to negotiate as a result of their child’s disability when carrying out any assessments. Such an assessment also be carried out if requested by the parent/carer. Consideration should also be given to any support needs for the parents/carers of the disabled child. An assessment would need to be carried out to consider whether it is appropriate for the parent carer to provide, or continue to provide, care for the disabled child. The assessment should consider the parent/carer’s needs and wishes and the specific needs and circumstances of the child resulting from their disability. Parent carers have the right to request an assessment under section 17ZD of the Children Act 1989, including where a child is not otherwise known to Children’s Services.
Supporting Young Carers
If it is considered that a young carer may have support needs, it must carry out an assessment to establish how best they can support the young carer and their family. An assessment must also be carried out if a young carer, or the parent of a young carer, requests one. Such an assessment must consider whether it is appropriate or excessive for the young carer to provide care for the person in question, (which may be a sibling, parent, or other member of the family), in light of the young carer’s needs and wishes.
Supporting Children at Risk of, or Experiencing, Harm Outside the Home
Where there are concerns that a child is experiencing extra-familial harm, practitioners should consider all the needs and vulnerabilities of the child. Some children will have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by others and will require support appropriate to their needs to minimise the potential for exploitation. All children, including those who may be causing harm to others, should receive a safeguarding response first and practitioners should work with them to understand their experiences and what will reduce the likelihood of harm to themselves and others. An assessment will need to be undertaken to determine whether a child is in need under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 or whether to make enquires under section 47 of the same Act, following concerns that the child is suffering or likely to suffer significant harm.
Where there are concerns that more than one child may be experiencing harm in an extra-familial context, practitioners should consider the individual needs of each child as well as work with the group. The children in the group may or may not already be known to Children's Services.
Supporting Children in Secure Youth Establishments
Where a child becomes looked after, as a result of being remanded to youth detention accommodation (YDA), a visit to the child should be undertaken to assess the child’s needs before taking a decision on how they should be supported. This information should be used to prepare the care plan, which should set out how the YDA and other practitioners will meet the child’s needs whilst the child remains remanded, and at any point of transition they will experience, whether returning to the community or receiving a custodial sentence.
Supporting Children in Mother and Baby Units (in Prison)
When a woman applies for a place on a mother and baby unit (MBU) whilst in prison, an assessment must be completed by Children's Services from the mother’s home authority. Any assessment should set out the needs of the child in relation to the mother’s application to be placed on an MBU.
The Lead Practitioner should attend the MBU Admissions Board to represent the best interests of the child. When placed in an MBU, the mother retains full parental responsibility for the day-to-day care of the child and the local authority in which the prison is located is responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child.
Supporting Children at Risk from People in Prison and People Supervised by the Probation Service
If a child safeguarding enquiry is received from the Prison Service regarding a prisoner who presents an ongoing risk to children from within custody, children social care should:
- Review information provided by the Prison Service and record it as required;
- Respond to the child safeguarding enquiry and share with the Prison Service any concerns about the prisoner and any contact with a child;
- Contribute to the prisons’ child contact risk assessment where a child is known to Children's Services, or has previously been known, by providing a report on the child's best interests and verifying the child's identity. Where the child is not known to Children's Services, they should still provide a view on child contact and should advise the prison to complete a child safeguarding referral if one is required.
The Probation Service will share information with Children's Services about supervised individuals who have contact with children or who pose a known risk and will also request information by making child safeguarding enquiries.
7. Recording of Referrals
All Initial Contacts and Referrals should be recorded on the MOSAIC database.
Copying a Referral to siblings
The decision to create a referral to a sibling will be made by the Screening Manager and progression of the referral must be completed by the Area team within one working day of the date and time of the original referral. The date of the sibling's referral must be the date which it was created and not the date of the original referral.
The Area team must ensure that the outcome recorded by the Screening Manager on the Contact of the subject child is copied to the contact created by copying the referral to the sibling.
Should a duplicate contact be made from copying the referral to Siblings then the Area team should ensure that the original contact is deleted, once the outcome has been copied (see above).
Sibling contact not progressing to referral
If the decision has been made by the Screening Manager not to progress the sibling to referral, then they advise the Customer Service Advisor of this outcome on the contact of the siblings. This must be completed when progressing the subject child's contact to referral. All contacts must have an outcome selected within one working day of it being created.
Creating a contact and referral on a siblings record at a later date
If a contact on a sibling's record did not progress to a referral within one working day, a further contact must be created if further information is received. This contact must be followed by a referral if a Child and Family Assessment is required. The timescales for creating contacts and referrals outlined earlier in this document apply.
Referrals closed at referral with no Child and Family Assessment
Should the Area Practice Supervisor determine, following either further investigation and/or re-direction to other services such as Early Help etc. that a child and family assessment is not required, they can close the referral at the referral stage.
The Area Practice Supervisor should discuss this decision with the Screening Practice Supervisor to agree this course of action, and if both are in agreement, then authorise the referral and close the referral using the outcome of 'Closure at Referral' using the same date. In the summary section the Area PS must give a rationale as to why they have decided a Child and Family Assessment is not required, along with a record of the discussion with the Screening PS.
Where following a discussion between the Area Practice Supervisor and Screening Practice Supervisor, no agreement can be reached on whether to close at referral, the Area Practice Supervisor reverts to the Area Team Manager.
Please refer to the Closure at Referral Process Flowchart for the process.