1.1.1 Introduction

Welcome to this operational version of the Lincolnshire Children's Services electronic procedures manual.

There are a number of chapters that have been introduced to this manual for the first time and others that have been reviewed and approved and a full list can be viewed in the Table of Amendments, Using this Manual.

This manual has an integrated version of the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures (LSCP) and there are automatic links to it in the relevant sections and chapters. The LSCP manual can be accessed at any time by clicking on the relevant button on the tool bar, (to the left of the screen). Further details of how the manual works can be found by visiting Using this Manual.

This manual is made up of over 100 files and inevitably there may be mistakes and omissions that have only become apparent to you the user of the manual. Please bring any comments or difficulties that you may have to the attention of Janet Hope (janet.hope@lincolnshire.gov.uk) or by using the contact us button on the left of your screen.

The manual has been produced in collaboration with tri.x and it is updated every six months, consequentially the manual will be compliant at all times with current legislation and guidance.

For further details on the next edition of the manual, contact Janet Hope or use the 'Contact Us' button on the left of the screen.