1.3.1 New Information on an Open Case
1. Introduction
A Significant event refers to the following:
- An event that the person recording the information decides should appear in the chronology and actions this by ticking the 'significant event' field;
- An event that is significant, is new information on an open case and may require another assessment.
This procedure is concerned with an event that is new information on an open case and may require another assessment.
2. An Event that is Significant and May Require Another Assessment
When new information is received on an open case by the Customer Service Centre or practice team including the Emergency Duty Team, the Team Manager (or delegated person including the Lead Social Worker) decides whether this information should be entered as a Contact or Case Notes. This ensures that the correct process is followed to record the information for decision making and for any action taken.
Recording on case notes and selecting 'significant event'. The practitioner will discuss with the Team Manager if the event should lead to an assessment. In the event of it leading to another assessment the information will be entered into the contact field.
The case note recording will remain as a record in its own right. Should the case be before the Court then a significant event would lead to a new case note and an update of the Care Plan. The significant event should be conveyed to the Guardian and the Court.3. Identifying a Contact
New information may be received on an open case from a practitioner; a professional; neighbour; family member, child or other source. It could be as a result of an incident or child's behaviour. If the information is considered a significant event it is recorded as a Contact.
A change in child's circumstances/significant event (some examples):
- Parent has new partner living with them;
- Child/young person goes to live with another relative/friend/non-relative;
- There are concerns about a child's/young person's welfare;
- There is a request for another service i.e. Section 20;
- Accommodation planned or unplanned;
- Child/young person placed under police powers of protection;
- The baby is born, when the case has been open as 'unborn baby';
- Unplanned placement move/placement breakdown;
- Child/young person makes an allegation;
- Child/young person is missing;
- Child/young person self harms including substance misuse;
- Child/young person absconds;
- Child/young person arrested;
- Young person pregnant;
- Child/young person is restrained;
- Child/young person refuses to return home;
- Child/young person truants;
- Bullying.
The decision of whether the significant event/change in circumstances requires a new assessment will be the decision of the Lead Social Worker/manager. The first recording of the event might be initially recorded in case notes/visits following, for example, a telephone call from another professionals. The case note/visit record will remain as a record in its own right.
A decision about what response is required, of whether to take No Further Action (NFA) or collect and assess further information by undertaking an assessment, will be made within one working day of the date/time when the new information was received.
4. Children in Care
For those Children in Care the Independent Reviewing Officer
will be notified by the Lead Social Worker / team manager of the significant event. The decision as to whether No Further Action is taken or an assessment (Child and Family Assessment, Assessment and Progress Record or risk assessment) is commenced will be the decision of the Lead Social Worker / manager but the IRO may give a view. The IRO may decide to bring the date of review of the child's plan forward.A discussion with the IRO will be recorded in the case notes 'case discussion/decision' by the Lead Social Worker.
5. Information Received that is Significant During the Completion of the Child and Family Assessment
When new information is received and it needs to feature in the chronology it will be entered either onto the case note selecting 'significant event' or record into the 'significant event' module. The new information will be assessed within the Child and Family Assessment, or if there is reasonable cause to suspect that the child is suffering or is likely to suffer Significant Harm, the decision is made to analyse all the information contained in the assessment and end the assessment with the outcome to hold a Strategy Discussion/Meeting.
When new information is received into the team for Case Notes (recording) purposes only, following discussion and agreed action with the Team Manager, the Practitioner records into case notes.
6. Case Supervision
The significant events (significant events, contacts and case notes titled Significant Event') will be reviewed as part of supervision on each case.