2.1.10 Family Time Service
The Family Time Service is a county wide resource that provides supervised Family Time for children within Lincolnshire. This chapter outlines the Family Time Service and aims to provide an operational overview of the service provided. This chapter should be read in its entirety.
Family Group Conferences Procedure
Contact with Parents and Siblings Procedure
This chapter was updated in December 2024 to reflect a revision to the process for referrals to the Supervised Family Time Service, please refer to Section 6, Referrals to the Supervised Family Time Service.1. Introduction
Supervised Family Time ensures the physical safety and emotional wellbeing of a child. It also assists in building and sustaining positive relationships between a child and members of their non-resident family.
The Family Time Service is a county wide resource that provides supervised Family Time for children within Lincolnshire. Services operate from eight Family Centres across the County, these being:
- The Warren Family Centre, Gainsborough;
- Grantham Family Centre;
- Boston Family Centre;
- Hartsholme Family Centre, Lincoln;
- St Giles Family Centre, Lincoln;
- Keily House, Louth;
- Roseberry House, Skegness;
- The Chappell Centre, Spalding
Typically, Family Time is by the agreement or direction of the Court where the Local Authority is in proceedings. The service often supervises Family Time on a shorter term basis to assist Social Workers with assessments and court welfare reports. All Family Time Sessions are fully recorded and the Family Time Workers' records can be used within court and may contribute towards a social care assessment. With all cases it is expected that the referring social work team will supervise 10% of these.
2. Private Law Family Time
The Family Time Service has developed a partnership with Children's Links who provide supported Family Time for private law cases; sessions operate fortnightly from Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Family Centres. Referrals for this provision are via the Child Contact Centre Co-ordinator on 07554450502.
3. Staffing Structure
To meet geographical demand the Family Time Service is structured as described below.
4. Legal Framework
Local Authorities have a duty to provide Family Time between children and young people looked after by the Local Authority and their families. The Children's Act 1989 emphasises the responsibility of the Local Authority:
- To safeguard and promote the welfare and upbringing of children and young people within their area by their families (Section 17);
- To allow reasonable Family Time between a child in care of the Local Authority and their families (Section 34).
Supervised contact ensures the physical safety and emotional wellbeing of a child. It also assists in building and sustaining positive relationships between a child and members of their non-resident family.
This requires Family Time Workers who are skilled and confident enough to intervene immediately and firmly if necessary and can work professionally in a planned way with vulnerable children and highly distressed adults.
In addition, the Human Rights Act 1998 Article 8 defines the right to family life, and a failure to promote Family Time at the correct level both in terms of frequency and level of support provided could be argued as contrary to this if it was disproportionate and without good reason. Additionally, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 9 states: "Respect the right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct Family Time with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child's best interests."
The Children Act 1989 provides the legal framework for judicial decisions relating to children. The Act requires judicial consideration of the "Welfare Checklist" prior to the making of almost all Orders under the Act. The court is also required by the Act to consider whether in the circumstances of the case, it is in the child's interest to make the Order sought.
Section 34 of the Act regulates Family Time between children in care and their families. Local Authorities have a duty to allow children in their care to have reasonable Family Time with their parents. Refusal of Family Time for more than 7 days or permanent refusal requires authorisation from a court under section 34(4), as does reducing Family Time from direct to indirect Family Time.
The duty to promote Family Time is also a requirement in both the Children's Home Regulations and the Fostering Services Regulations. These requirements are applied within the Children's Homes Regulations including Quality Standards (2015) (Standard 14), and the National Minimum Standards for Fostering Services (2011) (Standard 9).
5. General Principles
In delivering Family Time services, the following principles will be adhered to:
- Family Time is essential for children to maintain an attachment and sense of identity with their family of origin;
- The impact of all Family Time should be positive for children;
- The child's voice, their views and feelings should be paramount;
- Family Time Workers have a duty to respond where it is perceived that Family Time is having a negative impact upon the child;
- Family Time should be responsive to a child's changing needs and circumstances;
- Observations should be factual, significant and in a format that is easy to read by a service user;
- Family Time will take place in an identified suitable venue closest to the current placement address of the child.
6. Referrals to the Supervised Family Time Service
Priorities for the supervised Family Time service are:
- Interim Care Orders Section 38 Children Act 1989;
- Accommodated under Section 20 Children Act 1989;
- Long term Looked After children subject to a Care Order Section 31 CA 1989;
- Whilst an assessment is being undertaken by a social worker Section 7 and Section 8 Children Act 1989.
Once the most beneficial frequency and level of supervision of contact has been assessed, the following steps should be taken:
- Referrals for supervised Family Time need to be discussed, where possible, with the relevant Family Time Co-ordinator prior to making a referral to the Family Time Service. The referral should include an assessment that supports the application for the level, type, frequency and structure of the supervised Family Time. The referral must also include details of known risks in relation to both the adults and children involved in the Family Time and identify actions that have / or need to been taken to reduce these risks;
- Family Time Requests are supported through the CS Internal Contact work step. Which can be triggered either from the start menu or from a SC Visit step, within next actions. From there, you would press CS Family Time Request, which would generate the document; then allocate this across to the CS Family Time Team, to finalise the referral prior to green ticking;
- Once the referral has been processed Family Time will be arranged as soon as possible;
- Good practice normally requires that the social worker will observe 10% of all Family Time sessions as a minimum standard, negotiation regarding the key dates will be agreed between the Social Worker and the Family Time Co-ordinator;
- The Family Time Coordinator will be advised of any proposed change to volume or frequency and will therefore arrange a Family Time review;
- Where a case is being heard in court at the Final Hearing stage, the Family Time Service will liaise closely with the social worker regarding changes to Family Time arrangements / newly identified risks. A new supervised Family Time agreement will be produced to reflect all changes;
- In cases where rehabilitation is possible, Family Time Workers will assist in rehabilitation plans for children on returning back into the care of their family. This ensures a more streamlined process and offers some consistency to the family during this period before transferring back to the Early Help team.
7. Frequency of Family Time
Frequency of Family Time will vary from case to case. It must be acknowledged that some children are involved in multiple Family Time arrangements which if not carefully managed allow them little time for anything else.
Frequency and duration will be informed by:
- Previous level of Family Time with child (non-resident parent /extended family);
- Purpose of Family Time e.g. assessments;
- Emotional capability of the child and parent to cope with the Family Time;
- Views of the child;
- The potential disruption and stress to the child' caused by the Family Time arrangements;
- Out of school activities that the child attends;
- Parental Family Time with newly-born babies and infants may be higher, particularly if mother is breastfeeding, though sessions may be of shorter duration. Nevertheless the courts have indicated that daily Family Time (7 days a week) will be exceptional and unusual. There is increasing evidence that even 5 times a week is disruptive and stressful for the baby or infant and that such frequent Family Times should be avoided to allow the child to settle in its new placement.
When considering frequency of Family Time, the primary consideration will be the welfare and best interests of the child.
Impact of COVID 19
The Covid 19 pandemic led the Service to follow Government Guidance. Family Time arrangements were managed in accordance with the guidance.
The Family Time had opportunity to develop a hybrid model of Family Time, which included the use of indirect and direct methods. These methods have been embedded as routine practice, alongside face-to-face meetings, if that meets the needs of the child.
7.1 Replacement Sessions
Where Family Time arrangements are changed through no fault of the parents, such as due to the unavailability of Family Time providers, if possible a replacement session will be arranged. The responsibility to make new / alternative arrangements lies with the Family Time Worker involved, ensuring details regarding the new arrangements are shared with all parties. Cancellation due to parent/ child illness, extreme weather conditions inhibiting attendance, court attendance and Family Time dates conflicting with bank holidays will not be replaced.
7.2 Supervised Family Time Agreement
Prior to the commencement of supervised Family Time, a meeting will take place between the allocated Family Time Worker, and the adult(s) involved in the Family Time sessions and the allocated Social Worker. The Family Time Worker will aim to meet and introduce themselves to the child, foster carer and school/nursery.
The Supervised Family Time agreement will outline, dates, times, venues, expectations of family members attending Family Time etc. This agreement will clearly outline the consequences of failed or negative Family Times, and should be attached as an appendix to any court Care Plan.
- When a Family Time session is missed by a parent or other relative the social worker will be informed as soon as possible, the Family Time Worker will discuss the reasons for the missed Family Time with the family and feedback to the allocated social worker;
- In the event of three missed Family Times without satisfactory explanation, or Family Time being cut short for reasons of parental lateness or leaving before end of scheduled session, or a pattern of missed sessions Family Time will be held in abeyance. The Family Time Coordinator will notify the case holder of all dates of non-attendance. A Family Time Review meeting will be arranged at the earliest opportunity in order to address the non-attendance issues;
- An urgent meeting will be held with adults involved to consider whether the level and duration of Family Time is appropriate and in the child's interests.
The agreement should:
- Be clear about where the Family Time must take place and whether any flexibility is allowed for activity or movements within or away from the agreed location;
- Detail the frequency, timing and structure of Family Time;
- State the adults who will be allowed to attend for supervised Family Time and Family Time Workers should be asked to apply that strictly;
- Agreements regarding any photography / videoing within the Family Time session;
- Detail the arrangements for ending the Family Time, i.e. whether goodbyes should take place in the Family Time room and the parent should leave the building before the child is returned to his / her carer;
- Be clear about whether the person(s) having Family Time are permitted to give the child food, drinks, gifts or money during Family Time;
- Be clear about areas of conversation that should be avoided;
- Detail ground rules about use of language, secrecy, whispering, false promises etc;
- Detail expectations about punctuality;
- State clearly the circumstances in which Family Time will be cancelled or terminated;
- Detail any agreements or restrictions on Family Time via text message, email, social networking sites;
- Inform how to make a complaint.
The parents, carers and other person involved in the Family Time should have copies of the agreement.
7.3 Family Time Review
The purpose of the Family Time review meeting is to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of Family Time, whether Family Time still needs to be supervised and whether any changes need to made to the arrangements. It's an opportunity to discuss with the parents and Social Worker any issues and to highlight where Family Time is going well.
Generally Family Time should be reviewed every 12 weeks; however, at times this may need to be more or less frequent depending on individual circumstances.
Where the child resides in Local Authority Care long term or is the subject of a full Care Order Family Time reviews will take place on an annual basis.
7.4 Levels of Risk
Supervised Family Time often carries an element of risk and therefore careful planning is required.
It is the responsibility of the Social Worker to complete the risk assessment as part of the referral document in the first instance. At the point of referral the following points should be considered:
- Any history of abuse or threats of abuse to the child, other carers or staff;
- Previous incidents of disruption or threats to disrupt Family Time or failure to co-operate with conditions agreed for supervised Family Time;
- Previous incidents or threats of abduction;
- Previous incidents of coercion or inappropriate behaviour during Family Time;
- The transient or unsettled lifestyle of parents, as opposed to long-standing local connections.
Whilst we try to respond to emergency requests as quickly as possible, it is vital that all risks are considered in full. Where risk levels change, this should be recorder and shared with all parties as soon as possible.
Where the Family Time presents a high risk of risks arise following a Family Time session a risk management meeting will be convened, chaired by the relevant Service Manager.
It is very important that when significant decisions are made about current and future plans for the children, the Family Time Service is informed by the Social Worker. A risk assessment must be completed and approved before supervised Family Time begins.
8. The Role of the Family Time Worker
For each referral a primary Family Time Worker will be allocated, it is the aim of the service that this Worker will continue working the case throughout the services involvement to ensure consistency for the child and their parent.
The Family Time Worker will meet with the family members to allow opportunity for them to discuss, what is working well within the Family Time session, what they are worried about and what needs to happen in future Family Time sessions. This will provide the family with on-going support to improve their parenting capacity within the realms of supervised Family Time session.
The Family Time Worker may be required to role model during the Family Time session to actively demonstrate practical parenting tasks.
It is the Family Time Workers role to intervene and possibly terminate a Family Time session if the child is deemed to be at risk of harm at any time within the session.
The Family Time Worker must immediately report to the social worker any concerns about the parents' conduct during the Family Time. The social worker in consultation with his/her manager should consider the need to review the risk assessment and/or the Family Time arrangements in light of the concerns expressed.
The Family Time Co-ordinator line manages the Family Time Workers and will undertake case supervision and quality auditing as per procedure.
9. Recording Supervised Family Time Sessions
The Family Time Worker will provide a weekly overview of the Family Time sessions that have taken place that week; this will be within the signs of safety model. This will take into consideration, the child and family's views of the Family Time session and the Family Time Workers assessment.
Recording standards are in line with LCC case recording procedures.
The Family Time recordings are saved on the child's workflow within Mosaic.
Family Time recordings are distributed to legal service representatives on a weekly basis (cases in public law proceedings).
10. Transport Arrangements
Transport for Family Time is arranged by the Service. There is an expectation that Family Time takes place at a venue near to where children are placed and that parent's travel. Transport is procured through the Transport Service Group (TSG) which takes 5 working days to set up. During the interim period Family Time Services arrange transport via local taxi firms on the approved operators list.
However it is recognised that it is in the best interests for children if carers are able to bring them to Family Time in the first instance. Transport should only be arranged through a taxi or TSG after agreement with a Family Time Coordinator.
Any transport arranged for children should be appropriate to their needs and safety. Only transport from the approved operators list should be used. These Operators and Escorts are DBS checked and are deemed safe to transport vulnerable babies and children by TSG.
11. Service User Feedback / Consultation
The Family Time Service is committed to seeking the views of service users in relation to the quality of the service we provide and how we can make changes/improvements where appropriate.
Family Time Workers ask for the parent and child's views at each session and these are added onto the Signs of Safety forms, which are then saved to the child's Mosaic file.
Formal service feedback forms are completed with parents at each Family Time review meeting.
Within each Family Centre, informal feedback is available for any visiting service user to provide direct feedback regarding the service, the venue or general views.
Additionally feedback forms are completed by parents, professionals, carers and the child at the point of closure.
12. Core Hours of Delivery
The Family Time Service operates Monday to Friday between 9am and 6.30pm. Where required, Family Time can be provided on a Saturday for parents that are not able to attend during the week, and bank holidays in an emergency situation.
13. Performance Standards
The Family Time Service contributes to the following Performance Indicators:
- Stability of placements;
- Children returning to a family member from CiC status;
- Numbers of children rehabilitated home.
It is important that we monitor the effectiveness and quality of the Family Time Service and to this end the service has some performance standards which it is monitored against:
- All requests will be allocated to a Family Time Worker within 24 Hrs;
- Family Time Agreements will be created on Mosaic within 14 days of commencement;
- All Family Times with the family will be recorded on Mosaic, within 5 working days;
- The child's voice will be captured on 100% of all Family Time recordings;
- Family Time Reviews will be undertaken at 12 weekly intervals or annually if the child is long term CiC;
- Case supervision will be completed on an 8 weekly basis; please refer to Appendix 1: Supervision Flowchart for the FGC/Family Time Service;
- Any safeguarding concerns will be reported immediately;
- All telephone calls and messages will be responded to within 2 working days;
- All emails will be responded to within 2 working days;
- 80% of service user evaluation forms will be received following closure;
- Closure Quality Audits will be completed by the Family Time Co-ordinator within 5 working days;
- Any identified remedial action from the closure Quality Audit will be undertaken by the involved Family Time Worker within 3 working days.
Appendix 1: Supervision Flowchart for the FGC/Family Time Service
Appendix 1: Supervision Flowchart for the FGC/Family Time Service.